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Run workspace

Alnoda workspaces come in the form of Docker images that can be executed just like any other Docker container. Use the following command to run them:

docker run --name workspace-1 -d -p 8020-8040:8020-8040 --restart=always alnoda/alnoda-workspace:latest

Once it's running, you can access the Workspace UI by navigating to http://localhost:8020 in your web browser.

Other ports

Alnoda workspaces requires the availability of 20 ports, mapped internally to the range 8020-8040. If you need to designate a different range of ports, include an environmental variable, WRK_HOME_PORT, set equal to the first port in the new range. For example:

docker run --name workspace-2 -d -p 7020-7040:8020-8040 -e WRK_HOME_PORT=7020 --restart=always alnoda/alnoda-workspace:latest

Now Workspace UI will be available on http://localhost:7020

Start, stop, restart

You have the flexibility to manage workspaces just as you would with any Docker images and containers. This includes operations such as starting, stopping, and deleting.

To stop a workspace, use:

docker stop workspace-1

To start a workspace, use:

docker start workspace-1


You also have the option to restart a workspace directly from within the workspace terminal using the wrk kill command.


Every application initialized as a resilient service is designed to launch automatically whenever the workspace is rebooted.

Save workspace

Workspaces can be backed up by generating new images from current workspaces. It's not necessary to stop a workspace for this process, as backups can be made while the workspace is operational:

docker commit workspace-1 workspace-1-backup-image:2023-05-01 

It is possible to start a new workspace using the backup:

docker run --name workspace-1 -d -p 8020-8040:8020-8040 --restart=always workspace-1-backup-image:2023-05-01

Saving a workspace backup as a file offers several benefits. It ensures the backup's security against unintended removal during purges of old Docker images. It also provides the flexibility to transfer the backup file to a cloud storage service like S3 or Google Drive. Additionally, it facilitates sharing of the backup file to another computer, allowing the workspace to be launched there.

Save workspace backup image to a file:

docker save workspace-1-backup-image:2023-05-01 > workspace-1-backup-image-2023-05-01.tar

Load workspace image from the tar file:

docker load < workspace-1-backup-image-2023-05-01.tar


Another even better approach is to utilize a private Docker registry as a repository for your workspace backups.