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Build new workspaces easily using a Dockerfile. Start from the base AAlnoda workspace or any derived Alnoda workspaces to create your customized workspace.


wrk tool can be used in Dockerfile

Install apps

In Dockerfiles, you can utilize wrk install to install applications from Alnoda Hub. For instance:

FROM alnoda/alnnoda-workspace:1.1

RUN wrk install openvscode
RUN wrk install cronicle==0.9.10 admin
RUN wrk install serve==14.0.1 
RUN wrk install terraform==1.2.8 
RUN wrk install terrascan==1.15.2
RUN wrk install tfsec==1.27.5
RUN wrk install tflint==0.39.3
RUN wrk install terraform-docs==0.15.0
RUN wrk install inframap==0.6.7
RUN wrk install blast-radius==0.1.23
RUN wrk install rover-terraform-visualizer==0.3.3

wrk build

wrk CLI tool includes commad build, which provides a way to configure workspaces using workspace.yaml configuration file:

  • Set workspace metadata: name, colors, fonts, icons, links
  • Add workspace UI shortcuts
  • Start applications and services

To use wrk build create workspace.yaml configuration file:

# Meta (mandatory) 
name: Extended workspace
doc_url: https://extended-workspace/
author: myself
version: 1.0.1
description: |
  # Extended workspace
  General-purpose portable containerized browser-based environment for code development and execution.  
  Includes code editor, terminal, file browser, Git manager and visual jobs scheduler.

tags: task-scheduler, static-file-server

# UI icons (optional)
logo: extended-workspace-white.svg
favicon: extended-workspace.svg

# Homepage UI appearance (optional)
      primary: "#2A2D2E"
      accent: "#E77260"
      primary: "#3C3C3C"
      accent: "#E77260"
      background: "#1E1E1E"
      title: "#9CDCFE"
      text: "#9CDCFE"
      code_text: "#EAB676"
      code_background: "#3C3C3C"
    nav: "#eab676"

# Add shortcuts to the workspace UI (optional)
    - name: Static file server
      port: 8028 
      path: /
      title: Static File Server
      description: "Serve any static websites like a breeze"
      image: static-file-server.png
    - name: Cronicle
      port: 8029 
      path: /
      title: Cronicle
      description: "Schedule jobs, manage schedules, observe and monitor executions (user/pass - admin/admin)"
      image: cronicle.jpg

# Start applications and services (optional)
  - name: Static file server
    cmd: . env/bin/activate; serve -p 8028 /home/static-server
  - name: Cronicle
    folder: $CRONICLE_DIR
    cmd: rm ./logs/ || true; . env/bin/activate; $CRONICLE_DIR/bin/ setup; $CRONICLE_DIR/bin/ start 

In Dockerfile COPY into the image a folder with workspace.yaml together with the assets (images and icons) and run wrk build:

COPY --chown=abc:abc workspace /tmp/workspace
RUN wrk build /tmp/workspace  
RUN rm -rf /tmp/workspace