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Install applications in workspaces

Alnoda workspaces are architected to be very flexible and easy to augment with new tools and services. The goal is to simplify and speed up workspace creation and setup.

Alnoda Hub

Most importantly, we maintain and expand Alnoda Hub - a growing repository of applications which you can install and configure in your workspace with a one-line terminal command.


Alnoda Hub is by far the most straightforward, robust, and convenient way to quickly provision workspaces, install and configure more tools and applications, allowing you to tailor workspaces quickly to meet the exact requirements of your projects.

While Alnoda Hub has a wide array of applications, it might not cover all your needs. For such cases, Alnoda workspaces offer features to simplify the installation of extra applications.

Package managers

To facilitate this, we equip all workspaces with a variety of package and plugin managers by default. This includes:

  • apt
  • nix
  • asdf
  • pipx


Workspaces have also nodeenv, allowing to benefit from vast collection of browser-based Node.js applications and install them into separate environments.

Workspace features

Workspaces operate in Docker containers, which are initially designed for a single process. Hence, they lack some Linux tools like systemd used for bootstrapping user space and managing system processes. Instead, workspaces use supervisord to keep all processes active upon startup.

Alnoda abstracts supervisord complexities with tools like 'wrk' and 'Alnoda admin', enabling easy initiation of applications and services, and addition of application shortcuts to the workspace interface.


Get familiar with wrk commands and Alnoda Admin to understand how to initiate installed applications and services. You will also learn to add application shortcuts to the workspace user interface.

Other programming languages

Alnoda aims to facilitate the expansion of workspaces using specific programming languages and their associated toolsets. For instance, it allows the use of utilities like Cargo, Rust's package manager. Cargo manages the download of Rust project dependencies and their compilation into an application.


Browse this documentation to learn how to compile and install applications in various languages such as Nodejs, Go, Rust, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, and others in the workspaces.