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Workspace separation

In today's landscape, IT specialists often engage in concurrent work on multiple projects. Additionally, the rapid pace of technology necessitates continuous learning of new languages, exploration of novel tools and frameworks. Failing to segregate environments can lead to disorder and complexity

Separation Issues


Mixing all projects in a single environment can lead to many problems!

Typical problems that arise due to the absence of workspace separation include:

  • Dependency Conflicts: Different projects may require different versions of libraries, frameworks, or packages. When you mix all projects in one environment, there is a higher chance of dependency conflicts. Conflicting dependencies can cause errors, incompatibilities, and hinder the proper functioning of the projects.

  • Inconsistent Configurations: Each project may have its specific configurations, such as environment variables, database settings, or API keys. Mixing projects in a single environment can lead to inconsistent configurations, making it challenging to manage and maintain the settings for each project independently.

  • Lack of Isolation: Projects often involve experimentation, testing, and modifications. Mixing all projects in one environment eliminates isolation between them. A bug or change in one project can potentially impact the functionality or stability of other projects, making it difficult to troubleshoot or isolate issues.

  • Development Environment Setup Overhead: When working on a project, developers typically need to set up the necessary tools, dependencies, and configurations. Mixing all projects in one environment means repeating this setup process each time you switch between projects, leading to unnecessary overhead and potentially time-consuming configurations.

  • Collaboration Challenges: Mixing projects in a single environment can make collaboration and team coordination more challenging. It becomes difficult to assign specific projects to team members, track progress, or manage development workflows. It can also lead to conflicts when multiple team members try to work on different projects simultaneously.

  • Difficulty in Reproducibility: Mixing projects makes it harder to reproduce specific development setups or debug issues. It becomes challenging to pinpoint the exact environment and dependencies used for a particular project at a given point in time. This lack of reproducibility can impede troubleshooting and hinder project maintenance.

  • Security Risks: Combining all projects in one environment increases the security risks. If one project or component within the environment is compromised, it puts all projects at risk. Isolating projects in separate environments limits the potential impact of security breaches, minimizing the scope of damage.

  • Overall, mixing all projects in a single environment can lead to dependency conflicts, configuration inconsistencies, lack of isolation, collaboration challenges, reduced reproducibility, and increased security risks. Maintaining separate environments for each project helps mitigate these issues and allows for better organization, efficiency, and project management.

While existing solutions for workspace separation, like virtual environments, offer numerous advantages, they also come with several drawbacks. These drawbacks include the overhead of configuration management and a steep learning curve. Additionally, switching between projects often involves multiple steps and lacks the ability to isolate configurations and secrets, as well as system dependencies.


Alnoda aims to deliver a convenient solution for project isolation through the utilization of Docker containers. Our primary objective is to establish workspace isolation in the most user-friendly manner possible.