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Snippet Box

In this example we will set up Snippet Box - an app for organizing your code snippets. It allows you to easily create, edit, browse and manage your snippets in various languages. With built-in Markdown support, Snippet Box makes it very easy to add notes or simple documentation to your code.


We will create isolated node environment for Snippet Box and its dependencies.
Then we will start it in a permanent way, and add Snippet Box tab shortcut to the workspace UI.


Open workspace terminal, clone Snippet Box git repository and navigate into it

$ git clone /home/abc/apps/snippet-box

Cloning into '/home/abc/apps/snippet-box'...

$ cd /home/abc/apps/snippet-box
with <font color="#FDEB61">abc</font> in <font color="#37E6E8">~/apps/snippet-box</font> on <font color="#BC94B7">⇡master</font> <font color="#98E242">➜</font>

Create node enviroment and activate it

$ nodeenv --node=14.17.3 env && . env/bin/activate

 * Install prebuilt node (14.17.3) ..... done.
(env) 19:58:14 with <font color="#FDEB61">abc</font> in <font color="#37E6E8">/home/abc/apps/snippet-box</font> on <font color="#BC94B7">⇡master</font> is 📦  <font color="#5EA702">via ⬢ v14.17.3</font>  <font color="#98E242">➜</font>

Install dependencies

$ npm run init

added 2121 packages from 896 contributors and audited 2124 packages in 76.357s


$ npm run build

> snippet-hub@1.0.0 build:tsc /home/abc/apps/snippet-box
> tsc

Move resources

$ mkdir public && mv ./client/build/* ./public

(env) 19:58:14 with <font color="#FDEB61">abc</font> in <font color="#37E6E8">/home/abc/apps/snippet-box</font> on <font color="#BC94B7">⇡master</font> is 📦  <font color="#5EA702">via ⬢ v14.17.3</font>  <font color="#98E242">➜</font>


Start snippet Box

$ node build/server.js

[2022-09-30 13:40:11.818 UTC+0] [INFO] db: Database connected
[2022-09-30 13:40:11.889 UTC+0] [INFO] db: Found pending migrations. Executing...
[2022-09-30 13:40:11.889 UTC+0] [DEV] db: Executing 00_initial.js migration
[2022-09-30 13:40:11.890 UTC+0] [DEV] db: Executing 01_pinned_snippets.js migration
[2022-09-30 13:40:11.891 UTC+0] [DEV] db: Executing 02_tags.js migration
[2022-09-30 13:40:12.052 UTC+0] [INFO] server: Server is working on port 5000 in development mode

Snippet Box is running on port 5000. Lets forward the traffic to port 8026 - this port is exposed by the workspace.

Open one more terminal window, and execute

$ socat tcp-listen:8026,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:5000

<font color="#646562">_</font>

Now you can open Snippet Box from the tab "My App on port 8026"


Add to workspace

Snippet Box is currently operational, having been started from the terminal. However, if the terminal is closed, the Snippet Box application will also terminate.

Let's create a permanent service for Snippet Box:

  • Open "Admin" tab of the workspace UI and avigate to "Workspace Settings"
  • Go to the tab "Apps & Services"
  • Select "START NEW" from the picklist
  • Enter the following command

cd /home/abc/apps/snippet-box; . env/bin/activate; node build/server.js
This command consists of 3 commands: 1) go to the Snippet Box repo, 2) activate node environment, 3) start Snippet Box

  • Give it any name you want
  • Click "Save"


we also need to create service that tunnels port 5000 to the port 8033, which is exposed by the workspace

  • Open "Admin" tab of the workspace UI and avigate to "Workspace Settings"
  • Go to the tab "Apps & Services"
  • Select "START NEW" from the picklist
  • Enter the following command
socat tcp-listen:8033,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:5000
  • Give it any name you want
  • Click "Save"


Restart workspace to apply changes.

Create UI tab

Let's add shortcut tab for Snippet Box on the "Home" page.

Shortcut tab has title, description and image. Use filebrowser or IDE to upload any image you want into the workspace. You can choose whatever you like, one option - is to create a printscreen of the Snippet Box app itself.

After you upload the image to the workspace

  • Go to the "Interface" tab of the workspace settings and select "CREATE NEW" from the picklist.
  • Give it any title and description.
  • In the field "Port" enter port 8033
  • In the file picker find your image.
  • Leave field "path" blank and click "Create"


Now we have Snippet Box tab on the Home page


Add tag

Let's also add "snippet box" tag to the workspace meta information

  • Go to the "Features" tab of the workspace settings and add new tag "snippet box" separated from other tags with comma.
  • Click "Save"


Now you can ope the "About" tab of the workspace home page and see that the new tag appeared



Use the Alnoda Hub for application installation - it greatly simplifies the process!