ASDF plugins
ASDF (Another System Definition Facility) is a version manager for handling multiple versions of languages, packages, or any binary tools on a per-project basis. It's a versatile tool for developers to manage their software environment. With ASDF, you can easily switch between different versions of a package, depending on the project requirements.
Asdf is istalled by default in every Alnoda workspace.
Installing a Package with ASDF: Before you can install a package, you need to install its plugin.
List asdf plugins:
<font color="#5EA702">asdf</font> plugin list all
For example, if you want to install Node.js, you would first install the Node.js plugin:
<font color="#5EA702">asdf</font> plugin-add nodejs
Display installed plugins:
$ asdf plugin list --urls
Now you can install a specific version of Node.js:
$ asdf install nodejs 14.15.1
Cloning node-build...
Downloading node-v14.15.1-linux-x64.tar.gz...
WARNING: node-v14.15.1-linux-x64 is in LTS Maintenance mode and nearing its end of life.
It only receives *critical* security updates, *critical* bug fixes and documentation updates.
Installing node-v14.15.1-linux-x64...
Installed node-v14.15.1-linux-x64 to /home/abc/.asdf/installs/nodejs/14.15.1
Finally, set the version of Node.js you want to use:
<font color="#5EA702">asdf</font> global nodejs 14.15.1
Now you can verify that Node.js was installed correctly:
$ node -v